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Napsal/a: aas
Přidáno: 20.01.2014 09.33
The actual German born possessed as well as run cruiseship Artania showed up soon after daybreak through Portsmouth as well as berthed together with Region Wharf. Your woman sailed past due within the morning with regard to Dublin, the following interface associated with ask the woman's luxury cruise routine. Middle early morning the actual Uk seaside tanker On Fisher berthed together with Far eastern Equip in order to release a complete freight associated with sea diesel-powered. Your woman showed up in the Esso refinery from Fawley close to Southampton as well as sailed past due within the kobedo night towards the exact same launching interface, exactly where your woman packed freight 2 times later on with regard to Holyhead. Middle early morning the actual Nan Couva, the Japoneses run, Hong Kong possessed tanker, showed up in the France interface associated with Rouen, within ballast, in order to fill bunkers. Your woman sailed within the morning with regard to Stage Lisas, Trinidad. About the earlier night wave the actual Gibraltar flagged, German born possessed coaster Fehn Cartagena remaining Lighterage Quay, Truro, packed along with vehicle bales, with regard to Shoreham.